Experience the enduring charm of Honey Berry Backwoods Cigars, beloved by cigar aficionados since their debut in 1981. Crafted in the cigarillo style, these cigars feature an authentic Connecticut broadleaf wrapper enveloping 100% natural tobaccos, delivering a harmonious and deeply satisfying smoking experience.
Distinguished by their unique structure, Backwoods Cigars sport a tapered body, an unfinished head, and a frayed end, earning them the moniker “WILD and MILD.” This distinctive design contributed significantly to their immediate success, offering enthusiasts a distinctive smoking adventure that stood out in the cigar market.
Indulging in Backwoods Honey Berry Cigars promises a sensory journey like no other, with each puff offering a delightful blend of fresh-picked berries and the sweetness of golden honey. Measuring 4 ⅛ inches in length with a 27-ring gauge, these cigars provide a compact yet flavorful smoke, ideal for those seeking a quick cigar bursting with rich and enticing flavors.
Balancing both flavor and affordability, Backwoods Honey Berry Cigars come in a convenient pack of 5, offering an economical solution for enthusiasts to savor the distinct blend without straining their budget.
Honey Berry Backwoods Cigars Specs:
- Fabriqué en: République dominicaine
- Distribué par: Marques ITG, LLC
Saveur: Baie de miel - Longueur: 4 1/8
- Bague: 27
- Forme: Cigarillo
- Type d'emballage : Feuille large du Connecticut
- Liant: Feuille de tabac homogénéisée
- Remplissage : Graine cubaine du bassin des Caraïbes
- Force: Doux – Moelleux
- Couleur de l'emballage : Marron Foncé / Maduro
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