Introducing Russian Cream Backwoods Cigars cigars – a pinnacle of machine-made excellence, radiating sophistication with a velvety flavor profile. Crafted with meticulous precision, these cigars showcase premium tobacco, expertly machine-rolled to perfection and enveloped in an all-natural leaf, resulting in a distinct rustic appearance and taste.
The Russian Cream Backwoods cigar is a connoisseur’s delight, meticulously crafted with a Connecticut Broadleaf, Homogenized Tobacco Leaf wrapper, and Caribbean Basin Cuban Seed fillers. This blend offers a tapered body, unfinished head, and frayed ends. Each stick measures 4 inches in length by 27 ring gauge, providing an unparalleled smoking experience. Immerse yourself in the signature taste of Backwoods Russian Cream cigars and let their invigorating aroma sweep away all worries in an instant. Feel a wave of tranquility rush through your body, freeing up negative or chaotic thoughts that may have cluttered your mind. Unwind effortlessly as you indulge in this exquisite cigarette – its smooth flavor will leave you feeling relaxed and contented, drifting into a mesmerizing realm of tranquility.
Since their debut in 1981, Backwoods Cigars have captivated cigar enthusiasts with their seamless blend of flavors and enchanting aroma. The meticulous fusion of untreated and treated tobacco makes them an optimal choice for those seeking a mild yet profoundly satisfying smoking experience.
Russian Cream Backwoods Singles stand out as a captivating flavor from Altadis USA. These limited-production cigarillos offer a unique, creamy taste and aroma reminiscent of vodka and cream, delivering a mild-bodied smoking experience. Crafted with 100% natural tobacco fillers and a rugged, natural Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, each Backwoods cigarillo ensures the ultimate flavor immersion.
Discover the distinctive and rustic charm of Backwoods Russian Cream cigars as you revel in the smooth and gratifying flavors of fresh coffee and cream with every puff. Immerse yourself in the artistry of Backwoods Russian Cream cigars – a genuine testament to quality and flavor during leisurely moments.
Note: Pack of Backwoods 5 cigars, these 4 1/8-inch stogies boast a natural Indonesian leaf wrapper, ensuring a seamless draw with a 27. With Backwoods Canada, relish in a smoking experience that seamlessly merges affordability with an unwavering commitment to excellence.
Backwoods Russian Cream Specs:
- Made In: Dominican Republic
- Distributed By: ITG Brands, LLC
- Flavor: Vodka, Sweet Cream & Coffee Liqueur
- Length: 4 1/8
- Ring: 27
- Shape: Cigarillo
- Wrapper Type: Connecticut Broadleaf
- Binder: Homogenized Tobacco Leaf
- Filler: Caribbean Basin Cuban Seed
- Strength: Mild – Mellow
- Wrapper Color: Dark Brown / Natural
Indulge in the delightful experience of Backwoods Russian Cream cigars with the convenience of a pack of Backwoods. Each pack contains 8 sets, and every set includes 5 cigars, ensuring you have an ample supply for various occasions. If you’re eager to elevate your smoking experience, you can easily buy Backwoods online and have these exceptional cigarillos delivered to your doorstep. Experience the perfect fusion of quality and flavor with every draw, making your moments of relaxation truly satisfying.
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