
Medical Marijuana for Stress

Medical Marijuana for Stress 4 - Medical Marijuana for Stress

Everyone has experienced stress at some point in their life. Work, money, relationships, and even sports might all cause stress. Although many people turn to traditional drug-based therapies for assistance with stress and stress-related symptoms, marijuana can be used as a safe alternative for both acute and chronic stress reduction.

What Exactly Is Stress?

Stress is the body’s natural reaction to perceived threats. Stress can be a good thing since it can help you perform better in the near term when responding to pressing difficulties. Stress may be acute and prompt, but it can also build up and last for a long time. This is when stress becomes persistent and has detrimental effects on your health.

When a person is exposed to recurrent problems over an extended duration, they are said to be suffering from chronic stress. Chronic stress can result from marital conflicts, ongoing poverty, or a hostile workplace. Chronic stress has the potential to have a significant influence on:

Medical Marijuana for Stress

  • The digestive and immune systems
  • Muscle function
  • Sleep routine and patterns

All of this long-term stress can result in physical effects like:

  • Profuse sweating
  • Headaches
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Weight gain

On the emotional level, chronic stress can trigger feelings of:

  • Insecurity
  • Anger
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Sadness

What the Research Says on Cannabis as a Stress Reliever

In April 2018, The Journal of Affective Disorders published a story about study carried out by Washington State University. Cannabis products with high levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) reported in the study to be effective in reducing stress symptoms. Products with a THC concentration of 26.5 percent and CBD levels above 11 were found to be most beneficial for stress relief.

Cannabis, when used in low doses, may help to reduce stress according to a study released this week by researchers from the University of Illinois at Chicago and the University of Chicago. High doses of marijuana might have the opposite effect and cause tension rather than decreasing it.

Researchers at the University of Buffalo’s Research Institute discovered that cannabis is effective against depressive symptoms caused by chronic stress. They discovered that THC and CBD boost those which are deficient from a person’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), acting as a mood stabilizer, relieving stress-related depression. Low dosages were once again shown to be most efficient.

Why Use Cannabis As A Supplement Or Substitute For Prescription Drugs?

It’s not unusual for anybody to have a mental health issue, whether it’s sadness, anxiety, or something else. In fact, according to the National Institute of Mental Health, 51.5 million Americans will live with a mental illness in 2019, accounting for roughly 1 in 5 people. It may be difficult and time consuming to feel like you’re not getting better despite taking prescription medicines for this populous group of Americans. There are several motives why individuals utilize marijuana as a substitute therapy.

The fact is, prescription medications are some of the most harmful chemicals on the planet. They are addictive and can produce a slew of adverse effects that persist long after you cease using them. These are some of the possible side effects of commonly used SSRIs and SNRIs:

  • Agitation
  • Decreased sex drive
  • Constipation
  • Dry mouth
  • Lethargic or sedating feelings
  • Weight loss
  • Nausea

There are also a lot of drug interactions that may be potentially fatal if combined with other medicines. This is why, in addition to being safer than prescription medications, marijuana (or medical cannabis) is frequently considered by doctors and patients to be less harmful.

Marijuana is increasingly viewed as a therapeutic option for individuals suffering from various mental health disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and pain. Marijuana does not have the same addictive qualities that antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, or painkillers do because it does not produce addiction. It has an extremely low risk of fatal drug interactions with other medicines, if any at all.

Patients who have used marijuana report that it has a more positive impact on their mood and anxiety than their prescription medications.

Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains, “It’s not as addictive or potent a high-THC strain as most other strains, and it has some real medical uses. Marijuana is actually the case in which it works best for certain patients when nothing else will help. It’s irresponsible not to provide the greatest care possible as a medical community, and that care may include marijuana. For nearly 70 years in the United States, we’ve been horribly and systematically misled, and I apologize for my own role in that.”

In short:

  • Prescription drugs are costly and may produce serious Negative Effects. Marijuana does not appear to be addictive or have harmful side effects, according to studies.
  • Marijuana does not react with other medicines, whereas prescription drugs frequently do. Marijuana will not induce a heart attack or interfere with other medications such as an antibiotic, according to research.
  • Unlike prescription drugs, marijuana is natural and does not contain any dangerous synthetic chemicals.
  • When individuals use marijuana as an add-on therapy instead of prescription medicines, they are more likely to have a full and long-lasting recovery from their depression.

What Kind Of Medical Marijuana Is Best For Stress, Depression And Anxiety?

Medical Marijuana for Stress

There are various strains that can aid with mental health, including tension, sadness, and anxiety. It’s critical to discover something you like so it may serve as a suitable alternative to prescription medicines. We have the Strain Assessment Program to help us determine which strains perform best for which problems. Our Patient Pioneers are actual patients who evaluate goods and strains in order to assist MÜV learn about these genetics, bring data to the cannabis industry, and assist other patients on their medical cannabis journey.

There are a variety of cannabis strains that can assist you cope with stress. Since every person is different, it may take some trial and error to discover the strain that works best for you. Here are some options to think about:

  • OG Kush: OG Kush is a sativa or indica strain of cannabis. OG Kush is suited for those who are stressed out at the end of a busy day. Many users claim that OG Kush makes them drowsy. It has an almost immediate sense of joy and enhanced mood, which comes from sativa or indica plants. As many people have noticed, this marijuana strain makes them sleepy.
  • White Widow: It’s one of the most popular strains available. It’s a mix of South Indian indica and Brazilian sativa plants with a lot of resin. Users claim that White Widow increases energy levels and sharpens their creativity.
  • Sour Diesel: This is a sativa-dominant strain that is well known for aiding in the feeling of being awake and active. Sour Diesel is popular among individuals who are experiencing acute stress with associated symptoms including pain, anxiety, lack of appetite, and sleeplessness.
  • Cannatonic: Cannatonic is a sativa-dominant hybrid with THC to CBD ratio dominance, although some strains have a higher CBD concentration. As a result, Cannatonic has an anti-anxiety and anti-depressant action.
  • Green Crack: Green Crack, like the other marijuana strains, increases energy levels and creates a sense of joy. However, this sativa-dominant strain doesn’t make you feel tired or drowsy. Green Crack is associated with mental clarity in most people.
  • Blue Dream: The Indica-dominant hybrid White Widow grows in buds and flowers, while the sativa-dominant Blue Dream is a type of cannabis that has higher amounts of THC. As a result, it may assist with physical relaxation and elevate mood.
  • AK-47: The AK-47 strain is recognized for encouraging creativity while also providing relaxation. This sativa-dominant hybrid is also known to stimulate hunger, which can be beneficial to people who lose their appetite when they’re under a lot of pressure.

These cannabis strains are all known for producing feelings of pleasure and calm, making them useful in the treatment of both acute and long-term stress. However, as a number of research have shown, marijuana must be consumed in low to moderate doses to effectively relieve tension.

Consult with your doctor on how best to combine cannabis with other types of stress treatment and/or medicines to get the most out of both.

Final Thoughts

Every person’s body chemistry is different, creating a varied marijuana experience. Some strains are more effective than others, with some individuals experiencing different effects than others. These are wonderful places to start your search for the ideal strain.

If you have mental health issues or are searching for natural methods to improve your emotional well-being, consider using one of the above strains.

However, because the effects of any strain are generally best experienced at a low dose, it’s usually recommended to start with a modest amount. That is, at the very least until you’ve figured out how cannabis is made chemically.

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