Liquid THC: How You Can Make It at Home

liquid thc 01 - Liquid THC: How You Can Make It at Home

Liquid THC is another name for marijuana in general, and like other marijuana goods, it has a number of names. The hyper-technical tincture of cannabis or marijuana tincture is one option. Another possibility is liquid THC, which is the most popular form. And then there are the numerous and unavoidable slang phrases like green dragon, mayzack, and tink that always seem to appear out of nowhere as if they were spy drama’s secret code words.

Marijuana liquid THC, whatever you want to call it, has recently grown in popularity. The surge in popularity is at least partly attributable to vape pens and the increased visibility of marijuana dispensaries across the United States.

Despite its fast increase in popularity, liquid THC still has a lot of mystery and uncertainty surrounding it. What exactly is it? How does it work? What form does it take? How do you utilize it? What are the effects and dangers of liquid THC? This article will answer all of those questions.

What Is Liquid THC?

Tinctures are medicinal extracts that contain a high percentage of alcohol. A tincture is a liquid extract prepared by soaking a substance in alcohol to release its active ingredient. The main component in most tinctures is THC from potent strains such as Bruce Banner or Black Ice, although you may make a CBD tincture using Charlotte’s Web or Sour Tsunami if you use a high-CBD/low-THC strain.

Tinctures can be made from a wide range of plants, mixtures of plants, and even animal material. Garlic, hyssop, and sage are examples of common medicinal tinctures. Tincture of cannabis (or marijuana tincture) is simply a tincture prepared from cannabis plant.

Most tinctures, oils, vinegars, and glycerins are produced using alcohol. Vodka, brandy, and ethanol can all be used to make tinctures. Other types of alcohols that may be used to produce a tincture include, but are not limited to, vodka, brandy, and ethanol.

Liquid THC: How You Can Make It at Home

How Is Liquid THC Made?

Cannabis has been used as a drug for thousands of years. Today, it’s most often smoked, although other methods of ingestion exist. Cannabis tinctures, edibles, capsules and liquid THC are all examples of more controlled ways to consume cannabis. Here’s a summary of how to produce each one.

The Room-Temperature Method

It’s not dependent on any fancy technology like refrigerators or stoves. Instead, it resembles brewing tea: throw in your solids, add water, and leave to steep. The appealing aspect of the room-temperature technique is that it removes every last molecule of THC from the plant. The disadvantage with the room-temperature approach is that it takes longer to finish a product (15-30 times longer than using the cold method). As a result, if you need a tincture fast, the cool or hot technique would be preferable. To produce liquid THC using the room-temperature method, do as follows:

  1. Place the chopped plant material in a dish and bake it at 230°F for 35 minutes.
  2. Place the decarboxylated cannabis in a quart (32 ounce) mason jar.
  3. Pour in 32 ounces of the highest proof alcohol you can get, such as Everclear or other high-proof spirits. Isopropyl alcohol is fine, but avoid using it if possible.
  4. Cover the jar tightly. A screw-on lid is an excellent choice.
  5. Shake well.
  6. Store the mason jar in a brown paper bag in a cupboard or closet. Keeping the jar in a bag in a dark place prevents it from being ruined by sunlight.
  7. Keep an eye on where you keep your brew. It should be warm/room temperature rather than hot.
  8. Allow the mason jar to sit for 30-60 days (the longer the better).
  9. Remove the plant material from the liquid after the steeping period by straining it through a cheesecloth.
  10. To keep the liquid’s strength, store it in an opaque bottle away from the sun.

The Cold Method

The cold technique entails cutting or ripping the cannabis plant into little pieces and then freezing it to maintain the cannabinoids in tact. The mix is shaken every 24 hours for 48 hours while the cannabis plant material steeps in alcohol. After the steeping period, the plant matter is removed and thrown away, leaving only the tincture behind. Here’s a flowchart that might help you out.

  1. Dry and decarboxylate your plant matter.
  2. Remove the meat from the chicken, chop it into small pieces, and place it in a zip-top plastic bag. Freeze it for a few hours.
  3. Place your alcoholic beverage in the freezer as well. It won’t become solid in the freezer.
  4. Combine 1 ounce cannabis with 1 quart (32 ounces) alcohol in a mason jar after the plant material has been sufficiently frozen.
  5. Shake the jar for 5 minutes before sealing it tightly with a lid.
  6. Return the jar to the freezer.
  7. Every 2-3 hours, take the jar out of the freezer and give it a good shake.
  8. Continue to alternate shaking and storing for the next two days.
  9. Remove the solid stuff from the liquid after 48 hours by pouring it through a cheesecloth.
  10. Pour the filtered brew back into your French press. Then, using a coffee filter, strain out any remaining small plant pieces.
  11. Finally, keep the tincture in an opaque bottle and avoid bright light exposure.

Tinctures are frequently kept in a dropper or small pump spray bottle. This aids in the intake and administration of the medication.

Storing Liquid THC

Tinctures are frequently kept in a dropper bottle for convenience, as is the case with sachets. This aids in both consumption and dosage. A standard eyedropper can hold approximately 1 milliliter (or 1 gram) of liquid, making it a good dosagesize.

You may also put your tincture in a tiny spray bottle and use it like breath spray to administer the liquid THC. No matter how you store your tincture, be careful not to drip it into your eyes. It should always be placed under the tongue.

If kept in an opaque bottle out of the sun, your tincture should last for a long time. Simply said, you’ll likely finish it before it goes bad (unless you’re only doing one dropper-full per year).

What Does Liquid THC Look Like?

Some varieties of marijuana plants produce high amounts of THC. The highest concentration of cannabinoids found in cannabis is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). THC has a wide range of colors, including white to dark green, and can even be greenish brown. The liquid THC should have a floral scent and resemble bud. If the liquid is bright green and smells like grass, the decarboxylation was insufficient, resulting in a tincture that will probably be weak.

Stories abound of people who didn’t know they were consuming marijuana accidentally buying “liquid THC” from shady vendors, only to discover that it was nothing more than water or another liquid. Green is ideal; if at all feasible, purchase from a reputable source.

Liquid THC: How You Can Make It at Home

How Is Liquid THC Used?

Most cannabinoids, including THC, are liquid at room temperature. They’re generally consumed orally, although they may also be vaporized and smoked like other eliquids in an electronic vape pen.

The most popular and traditional way to consume liquid THC is by taking it orally. To begin, try 2-3 drops of the tincture sublingually (under the tongue). Because of the large blood supply to the soft tissue under the tongue, absorption of the liquid THC will be quick. That said, effects onset might take some time (see below), so don’t believe you’ll speed up things by doing more. That’s just a formula for disaster.

Cannabis-infused foods offer a unique way to add THC to your meals in a non-combustible format. 1-2 sprays on your favorite dish are recommended. Keep in mind that ingesting liquid THC in this manner is more similar to edible products than it is to smoking or simple oral consumption. Because of this, the psychoactive effects may take longer to manifest but can last longer when taken this way.

Vape pens are a relatively new way to consume liquid THC. The liquid THC is vaporized and then smoked in the pen, much like other eliquids.

What Are The Effects Of Liquid THC?

The high that people get from smoking liquid THC is comparable to the effects of smoking a high-THC strain. THC, on the other hand, has been shown to induce time distortion, greater stimulus receptivity, drowsiness and euphoria.

Keep in mind that when you consume liquid THC, you’re missing out on the rest of the active components in marijuana. The cannabidiol (CBD), cannabinol, and cannabiverin are all absent from liquid THC. Those additional compounds have their own physiological and psychophysical effects that can’t be achieved with liquid THC.

CBD, for instance, reduces nausea and vomiting, inhibits epileptic seizures, combats mental illnesses such as psychosis and schizophrenia, and fights inflammatory disorders (just to name a few). nLiquid THC doesn’t have any of those effects.

When cannabis is consumed via liquid THC, the effects come on gradually and last for a long time. When eaten sublingually, effects may appear in 15 to 45 minutes and peak at about 90 minutes. When taken with food, drug effectiveness can take longer to show but can last up to four hours.

Because it takes a long time for liquid THC to take effect, it’s critical to stick with the same dosage amount until you figure out how everything works. One dropper every 12 hours is a good place to start. How long do you think before your first high? Then measure how long the high lasts. If one dropper-full doesn’t provide much of a sensation, try two next time. But be cautious not to overdo it, otherwise you’ll have a bad experience. Because THC is fat soluble, the levels of active cannabinoids in your system can increase rapidly. Because this stuff gets absorbed through your skin and digestive tract, you’ll need to eat it on a consistent basis for it to be effective. The highs produced by consuming liquid THC (whether via tinctures or edibles) are dependent on a variety of factors such as your metabolism, body composition, and other things. Increase gradually from there.

What Are The Dangers Of Liquid THC?

Remember that liquid cannabis THC is simply highly concentrated THC. It’s similar to extremely concentrated booze like Everclear: a little amount goes a long way, while a lot might have severe results.

The effects of THC range from pleasant to harsh, with the most severe scenario being a bad trip. Liquid THC can induce anxiety or paranoia because it does not contain CBD or other components, which have been shown to minimize anxiety. Furthermore, high dosages of THC have been proven to induce vomiting and even unconsciousness. When we say “unconsciousness,” we aren’t talking about sleep.

It’s crucial to remember that even if you consume liquid THC in a variety of ways and have prior expertise with it, you should exercise caution while using this potent solution. Even experienced people can suffer a bad trip, so be cautious and methodical.

One Method Among Many

As marijuana becomes increasingly legal, methods for consuming it will develop. Liquid THC is a viable option in comparison to smoking and dabbing. It may be a discreet strategy to achieve the desired effects without the need for any gear or obvious signs of burning leaves.

If you’re looking for an easy way to get started using cannabis, try liquid THC. That said, make sure you’re getting your tincture from a reliable supplier. If liquid THC isn’t for you, there are many more options for incorporating the benefits of marijuana into your life.

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