The Stages of Being High

the stages of being high 14 - The Stages of Being High

Because the endocannabinoid system is unique to each individual, there is no such thing as a universal cannabis experience. One person’s edible with 5 milligrams of THC might send another person’s world crashing down, while barely affecting someone else’s. That said, there is one indisputable fact that all marijuana users can agree on: THC makes you high, and the high is an adventure in itself.

Before we get into the typical stages of that journey, there’s something we need to address: timeframes. The National Health Institute conducted a study in 2017 that determined two distinct timelines for THC highs: smoking or vaping and ingestion. Smoking or vaporizing typically produces an onset that occurs minutes after using, a peak that happens 20-30 minutes after the onset, and a high that can last up to two hours. The method of administration has little influence on the effects, but it does have a significant impact on how much THC is absorbed. The liver first filters THC before it enters the circulation. The onset can take up to two hours after ingestion, with the high’s peak occurring two to three hours later. Depending on the quantity taken, symptoms may persist for up to 24 hours.

Too much of anything can be a bad thing, and marijuana is no exception–whether you smoke it or eat it. The effects of pot can mellow you out or get you high as a kite depending on the dose, so being mindful of how much you’re taking in is important.

If you’re searching for a method to connect with individuals who have already used cannabis or if you’re unfamiliar with the effects and don’t know what to expect, the stoned spectrum can be beneficial. To discover whether everything adds up, look at the 10 stages of being high listed below.

The Stages of Being High

Stage 1: the first step before the high

The nose and mouth are the first body parts to interact with cannabis. In the case of edibles, terpenes can affect how strong and long your high lasts.

Smelling and tasting your cannabis may have a big influence on your experience, so take a whiff and enjoy the flavor. While you’re enjoying and smelling your herb, you can fine-tune your plans — and snacks — for when your high kicks in.

Stage 2: the first sign of a high

When THC enters your brain and binds to CB1 receptors, the pleasure begins. This activation may happen seconds after smoking a fat dab, minutes into smoking a thick blunt, or hours after eating an exquisite edible.

Though there are numerousfuck things that contribute to activation, the main effects of cannabis usually start when THC enters the bloodstream and crosses the blood-brain barrier. People often external link feel a tingling sensation in their extremities and a change in thinking; these effects gradually affect different parts of the body over time.

Stage 3: cresting the high and feeling mildly stoned

Users may anticipate a rise in the bodily and mental symptoms that have been developing throughout the period between activation and onset. The length of time and intensity of this period is entirely determined by the consumption method, strain, and DNA.

At this point in the process, THC is entering your bloodstream and you will begin to feel the high. This can manifest itself in different ways like creativity, relaxation or pain relief. We recommend during stage 2-3 that you connect with your body through gentle stretching or other low impact physical activity.

The Stages of Being High

Stage 4: getting blazed

Stages 2 through 4 may happen so quickly and with such smooth fluidity that you won’t feel many subtle changes between smoking a big hit and feeling a powerful onset. When your blood reaches peak THC concentration, however, your high will swoon into action — sometimes robustly.

Finding the perfect dosage for you is critical so that you don’t become overwhelmed. Taking a few deep breaths at this time can help to relax and focus.

Stage 5: tension starts to build

The THC may cause you to feel as if you are lighter than usual or have a sense of gravity. This can lead to anxiety or tension, depending on your individual reaction to the THC.

The simplest method to avoid being stuck in this situation is to have a pre-planned activity, as well as some THC-dampening CBD, on hand. This would be the moment to head outdoors for a walk, turn on your gaming console, or take a bath to keep your thoughts occupied and your high going strong.

Stage 6: reaching the peak

The benefits of your chosen strain or product will become more pronounced and noticeable once the high kicks in. The qualities that made you choose this particular strain or product will be more evident than ever before.

Cannabis has a variety of effects, but some can make you more concentrated while others may lead to uncontrolled creativity. Giggling strains might activate giggles, talkative strains will close jaws, and relaxing strains will put you on the couch. Some people think that stage 6 is when you have the most THC in your blood and your body is used to that concentration. This allows for you to be introspective, have a wandering mind,  and maybe even get lots of good ideas!

Stage 7: when the high levels off

By the time you reach this stage in your high, your eyes will be bloodshot, you’ll probably be feeling sleepy, and if that’s what your particular strain is known for, the munchies might start hitting. Contrary to popular opinion though, not every cannabis high comes with increased hunger. In fact, some strains are actually appetite suppressants. So if you know yours gives you the munchies , make sure to have snacks on hand during Stage 1 of your smoking session.

The effects of the THC will begin to lessen in intensity during this stage, which can last up to 24 hours. The “munchies” may still be present during this time. It is generally advised that you stick with the same activity you started in Stage 5 and just enjoy yourself.

The Stages of Being High

Stage 8: the cooldown

The pain that is often felt when THC leaves the body may be rapidly replaced by malaise. For joint users, bong rippers, and dab hitters, Stage 8 is generally when another session begins. If you’re a fan of edible marijuana, this is an excellent time to make a cup of tea and decompress fully.

Stage 9: decompression

When you come down from a Stage 7 high, you might feel more exhausted and dizzy than usual. If this happens, don’t fight it–take a nap instead.

Stage 10: evaporation and tranquility

The best-case scenario, by far, is that your high will evaporate in a timely manner, leaving your thinking somewhat altered and your body somewhat more responsive, but with your awareness essentially intact. At this stage, the psychotropic effects of THC have worn off, but the numerous other cannabinoids have had an impact on you in various ways that are less easy to measure than THC.

The mellow euphoria, physical ease, and general friendliness that linger long after the giggles, head trips, and munchies have faded are all signs of a marijuana high that will last. Stage 10 is an excellent time to reflect on your experience and assess what worked best while you were high.

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